Artificial Intuition Technology from Ontonix.

Beyond Machine Learning.

Because of the immense complexity of the human body and due to the limitations of conventional mathematics, medicine lacks a systems perspective. Today, thanks to our Quantitative Complexity Science and Technology, it is possible to see a patient as a system of systems which interact and to provide real-time measures of his complexity and stability. This new approach provides unprecedented insight into the dynamics of a patient and enables us to issue early-warnings in an OR or an ICU. We offer a real-time engine which may be integrated into any IT system or device.

Our measures of a patient's complexity, stability or resilience are obtained in real-time not via a data-base look-up but by analyzing real-time streaming multi-channel data such as that available in an ICU or OR. Our system processes all channels as well as all channel interactions.

Complexity combines into a single number the interactions of multiple data channels. This is why it is ideal when it comes to representing systems described via numerous variables with intricate inter-dependencies.

With this approach we can deliver quantitative indices which combine in a rational manner multiple vital signs or markers.



Military Institute of Medicine, Warsaw

Boston Scientific


Ospedale Sacro Cuore Don Calabria

US ARMY Instritute of Surgical Research (USAISR)

Azienda Opedaliera CTO
